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Portfolios of art, writing, and phenomena

A Portfolio of Paintings, Photos and Décor Items

Aged Art

A Portfolio of Historical Writing Fact and Fiction

A Portfolio of Paranormal Phenomena

A few words About Me

I’ve had three careers.

Early on, I was a beat reporter and investigative journalist for daily newspapers in the Midwest and New England, winning several awards and being nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. I also did my share of desk work as a city editor, wire editor, and managing editor at the papers.

Back then, we wrote everything on typewriters. 

Moving to Oregon, I switched careers to an upstart industry – computers. I learned a lot about technology and wrote user manuals for computers large enough to fill rooms. I worked for start-ups and Fortune 500 companies, won some awards for developing innovative advertising, and managed marketing communications teams with budgets of several million dollars. I left the corporate world to serve as president of a small ad agency, attracting some big-name technology companies as clients. 

By now, typewriters were gone. Computers and the Internet could empower people like never before. So, I decided to take personal advantage of that empowerment.

That’s when I began a third career working from a back room of our Victorian house. As a freelance writer and consultant, I’ve had technology giants such as and Intel as clients.  Meanwhile, my lifelong interest in American history enabled me to author a hundred published articles and write a historical-fiction novel with a 5-star ranking on Amazon. Along the way, I’ve explored the visual arts with mixed-media paintings and vintage décor items I’ve sold online and in design shops.

And there’s been more.

All my life I’ve been intrigued with the mysteries of the mind. I’ve learned the world is far more enigmatic and complex than we realize, and that we humans have abilities that defy scientific explanation. I’ve spent many years exploring my own psychic self and have included some of my experiences in the third part of this site, under the heading Phenomena.